Welcome to the Cascade Youth Basketball (CYB) website


Our objective is to promote sportsmanship and a sense of fair play within the framework of a team sport and provide a recreational environment for players to increase their skill and knowledge of the game of basketball.


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Important News!!

Session 2 will begin at the beginning of January!! Registration for Session 2 will close on 12/15/2023.

Evaluation Days for Session 2 (5th-6th Grade) are as follows:

Location: Cascade High Main Gym Sunday 12-17: Girls 3:30 to 4:30, Boys 5:00 to 6:00 Thursday 12-21: Girls: 4:00 - 5:00 Boys: 5:15 - 6:15

**All players MUST wear their CYB jersey from last year, otherwise they will receive a new jersey for this season. If their Jersey still fits from last year and they do not want or need a new jersey, parents will receive a $10 refund on evaluation day. Wearing their jersey on evaluation day allows us to know how many jerseys will be needed before Game 1 in January.

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Thank you so much for our Sponsors!!!